Tuesday, July 3, 2007

About My Family

This photo was taken for a function that was conducted at our palce.
in the pic u will find all the members of my family(a very cute sweet fun loving family)
first from left to right
My DAD : Sampat Raj Mehta
My MOM: Shakunthala
Sis: Monica
Jiju : Hitesh
DAD:A great and a successfull business man, what do i say you about him, a gem in its place, a true inspirational leader for me, a shoulder for all my worries, full time support for all my failure to succeed every next time, THE BEST FATHER IN THE WORLD

MOM: THE SECOND BEST PERSON in the world, to protect me always from the scolding’s of my dad, to be there for my every needs, to take care of me in any situation, to teach me lessons of LIFE, and one last thing MOM “I LOVE YOU MOM”

SIS & JIJU: the best couple, the best sister, the best jiju, and the bestest is their daughter named SUHANI(sonu).

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